Part II: Reyes & the story of the Muralist Movement
In this video, you will learn the story of Mexican Muralism through the eyes of Aurora Reyes. To help you navigate this video, we invite you to answer the following questions as you go along.
What was the shift that Dr Atl (Gerardo Murillo) made in Mexican Art?
Why did she distance herself from the political postures of her grandfather, Bernando Reyes?
What made her support the political agenda of the revolution?
What made her pursue a more egalitarian society?
What happened in 1922?
What was Jose Vasconcelos' initial vision regarding education?
Why was the manifesto created as a union? - note this will be explained further in the video about Siqueiros
What and why was the emphasis on the indigenous man?
How did the government use Mexican Muralism, particularly the work of Diego Rivera?
How was her career affected by her political activity?
How did she structure the composition of her first mural?
Why did she hide the faces of the perpetrators?
Why did she make the little girl the only observing witness of the event?
How was that mural related to the history of the building where it was painted?
Why was the role of the Maestra so important?
How did it help build the concept of the nation?